Experienced and Knowledgeable Collaborator for MWDOC
Key Issues
Using water efficiently
It should be our way of life!
Dealing with climate change
Planning for our future needs to be adaptive and cognizant of how Mother Nature might change how she delivers our precipitation!
Making necessary on-going investments in water supply and water system reliability
Both in Orange County, Southern California and in the State. Many of our facilities are aging and need to be repaired.
Supplies from Northern California are threatened
By a long over-due overhaul of how water travels from the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers through the 700 miles of water ways in the Bay/Delta area to the export pumping station. What is needed is more flexibility to export stormflows during wet periods when floods rush out to the ocean; cut backs in export water is needed during dry periods to help resolve impacts to endangered fish; investments are needed to provide habitat and food production for fisheries recovery.
The water supplies from the Colorado River have been over-allocated beyond what Mother Nature provides on average
This structural deficit needs to be brought into balance among the 7 States that share the resources of the Colorado River.
Water managers must be good stewards of the public resources
Stewards of the resources provided by ratepayers to balance water rates and necessary on-going water investments to maintain reliable supplies.